
Showing posts from October, 2010


Why Do We Offer Coconut?   In India one of the most common offerings in a temple is a coconut, it is also offered on occasions like weddings, festivals, the use of a new vehicle, bridge, house etc. a pot (kalash) full of water adorned with mango leaves and a coconut on top is worshiped on important occasions and used to receive revered guests.   It is offered in the sacrificial fire while performing hom. The coconut is broken and placed before the Lord. It is later distributed as prasad. It is offered to please the Lord or to fulfill our desires.   There was a time when animal sacrifice (bali) was practiced, symbolizing the offering of our animalistic tendencies to the Lord. Slowly this practice faded and the coconut was offered instead. The fiber covering of the fried coconut is removed except for the tuft on the top. The marks on the coconut make it look like the head of a human being. The coconut is broken, symbolizing the breaking of the ego. The ...

Lotus Flower

Why Do We Consider The Lotus As Special?   The Lotus is India 's national flower and rightly so. Not long ago, the lakes and ponds of India were full of many hued lotuses.   The lotus is the symbol of truth, auspiciousness and beauty (satyam, shivam, sundaram). The Lord is also that nature and therefore, His various aspects are compared to a lotus(i.e.. lots-eyes, lotus feet, lotus hands, the lotus of heart etc.). Our scriptures and ancient literature extol the beauty of the lotus. Art and architecture also portray the lotus in various decorative motifs and paintings. Many people have names of or related to the lotus: Padma, Pankaja, Kamal, Kamala, Kamalakshni etc. The Goddess of wealth, Laxmi, sits on a lotus and carries one in Her hand.   The lotus blooms with the rising sun and closes at night. Similarly, our minds open up and expand with the light of knowledge. The lotus grows even in slushy areas. It remains beautiful and untainted despite its ...

Matrimonial Vaastu

दाम्पत्य तकरार और वास्तु   कभी - कभी पति - पत्नी के मध्य अकारण हो रहे झगड़ों का कारण वास्तु दोष भी हो सकता है। सुखमय दाम्पत्य जीवन प्रत्येक गृहस्थ की कल्पना होती है। इसके ...

Why Worship Tulsi ?

Why Do We Worship Tulsi ?   Either in the front, back or central courtyard of most Indian homes there is a tulsi-matham an altar bearing a tulsi plant. In the present day apartments too, many maintain a potted tulsi plant. The lady of the house lights a lamp, waters the plant, worships and circumambulates it. The stem, leaves, seeds, and even the soil, which provides it a base, are considered holy. A tulsi leaf is always placed in the food offered to the Lord. It is also offered to the Lord during poojas especially to Lord Vishnu and His incarnations.   In Sanskrit, tulanaa naasti athaiva tulsi - that which is incomparable (in its qualities) is the tulsi. For Hindus, it is one of the most sacred plants. In fact it is known to be the only thing used in worship which, once used, can be washed and reused in pooja - as it is regarded so self-purifying.   As one story goes, Tulsi was the devoted wife of Shankhachuda, celestial being. She believed that Lord ...

Enjoy Meditation

Enjoy Meditation     Meditation is the natural process of withdrawing attention from environmental, physical, and mental processes and consciously directing it inward to a chosen focus of attention.   But not many people know how to practice meditation for personal benefit and spiritual growth.   The beneficial side-effects of regular meditation practice include stress reduction, strengthening of the body's immune system, more orderly thinking, improvement in powers of concentration, and a slowing of the biological ageing process.   For these reasons, meditation practice is recommended by an increasing number of doctors as a harmless way for patient-clients to be more responsible for their own total well-being.   The primary purpose of meditation practice, however, is to bring forth clear states of awareness that will make authentic spiritual growth easier to experience.   Cultivation of inner contentment prevents us from gett...

Tips For Harmony At Home

Tips For Harmony At Home   Keep A Little Rain Water In A Silver Dibbi With A Small Square Piece Of Silver Immersed In It. Bury In A Place Where Grass Grows 7 Pieces Of Iron. On A Sunday Immerse In A River / Canal A Copper Pair Of Serpents. Extinguish The Last Kitchen Fire For The Night By Sprinkling A Few Drops Of Milk Over The Burner. Do Not Use That Particular Burner Till The Next Morning. Get A Piece Of The Root Of Sita Ashok Tree And Keep It At The Pooja Sthan In Your House.

Tips For Peace Between Husband-Wife

Tips For Peace Between Husband-Wife   Never both be angry at the same time Never yell at each other, unless the house is on fire If one of you has to win an argument, let it be your mate If you have to criticize, do it lovingly Never bring up mistakes of the past Neglect the whole world rather than each other Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled At least once everyday try to say one kind or other complimentary thing to your life partner When you have done something wrong, be ready to admit it and ask for forgiveness It takes two to make a quarrel and the one is the wrong is the one who does the most talking


Forthcoming Events-Festivals Date Events Thursday-21-October-2010 आजाद हिंद फौज स्था . दि . Thursday-21-October-2010 Thursday, Sukla Chaturdasi till 5:35 *, Thursday-21-October-2010 Uttarabhadra till 18:07 , Vyaghata yoga till 22:59, Thursday-21-October-2010 Police Commemoration Day Thursday-21-October-2010 Moonrise at 16:55 , Moonset at 5:44 *, Moon In Pisces [whole day] Thursday-21-October-2010 Rahu Kalam: 14:10 - 15:40 , GulikaK: 9:39 - 11:09 , YamaG: 6:39 - 8:09 , Thursday-21-October-2010 वाराह चतुर्दशी , शाकंभरीदेवी मेला [ देवबन ], आजाद हिन्द फौज स्थापना दिवस , कर्म निर्जर व्रत [ जैन ] Thursday-21-October-2010 Sunrise at 6:40 *, Sunset at 17:44 , Thursday-21-October-2010 Garija karana till 16:41 , Vanija karana till 5:35 *, Friday-22-October-2010 Aashivan Purnima Friday-22-October-2010 Govt-Maha Rishi Valmiki Jayanti Friday-22-October-2010 Shri Satya Narayan Vart Friday-22-October-2010 शरद् पूर्णिमा व्रतोत्सव , कोजागरी - लक्ष्मी पूजा , महारास पूर्...