Basic Principles Of Signs And Houses
With the historical and background information safely behind us, we will now proceed with the core material of astrology - the study of the zodiac, the signs, the houses, planets, etc. - all of the influence of the universe upon our lives. You will recall that in Lesson One we compared the signs and houses to a clock. Since this is not always easy to understand at first, let's review it briefly.
Reviewing the Signs
The heavens were divided many centuries ago into twelve spheres of influence named after the constellations which happened to lie within them. This link with astronomy is quite interesting. However, all the astrologer must remember is the names and relative positions of the signs. The zodiac begins as the Sun does - in the East, at the horizon. If we face South, (we know the Sun although apparently overhead is South of us from the northern hemisphere) and look at the imaginary horizon, the Ascendant position is at 9:00 o'clock. At this exact horizon point, Aries is just about to appear. Aries, therefore, is the first sign. As Aries moves up to the 10:00 o'clock position, Taurus appears. As Taurus moves to 10:00 o'clock (and Aries to 11:00 o'clock) Gemini appears on the horizon. Next comes Cancer, etc. So you see that the twelve zodiacal signs are named as they appear in the Ascendant position on the horizon. (Remember this from Lesson I!) The reason for the repetition is because this must become "second nature" to you.) Conversely, the signs "disappear" in the West as they descend below the horizon. The 3:00 o'clock position is therefore referred to as the Descendant. If one were to watch any one point in the horizon clock, the signs would go by in procession every twelve hours. First Aries, then Taurus, etc. But we don't have time to watch this procession for twelve hours merely to get the order straight. For the sake of convenience, we "count" the signs counter clockwise.
To continue the previous analogy, the houses can best be imagined as the areas on the clock between the numbers. If you were, for example, to divide the 360 degree face of your clock into 12 equal "slices," you would have a "pie" consisting of 12 divisions with each piece consisting of 30 degrees. Now imagine that the numbers of the clock move instead of the hands; as 9:00 o'clock moves up into the 10:00 o'clock position, the slice between 9:00 and 10:00 remains as it was. Similarly, Aries and the other signs move up from their positions in the Ascendant to the next house. The houses are "counted" counter-clockwise, too, beginning with the house just below the horizon (between 8:00 and 9:00 o'clock). As Aries moves to the next house, Taurus moves from the second house to the first, and so on. Houses, then, are permanent sections (slices) of sky through which signs and planets move in a perpetual pattern since before man's existence. This method of measuring the Houses is known as the "Equal House Division" Method.
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