Study Of Astrology-Vol-5
Study Of Astrology-Vol-5
Basic Theory
It is most difficult to summarize astrology in a few paragraphs; basic principles can be stated as follows:
1. All bodies in the Universe - the stars, the planets, the moon and the sun have effects upon earth and everything in and on it. The result of these effects is precisely what the study of Astrology is all about. Perhaps it is magnetic fields, sunspots, heat, light, or other unknown forces. We are not sure, but the effects are undeniable and they are vital life indicators.
2. Man's living organism (just as the New England oysters organism after removal to the mid-west) is affected by the stars and the other heavenly bodies. The stars (meaning all bodies of the universe, for the sake of brevity) have a continuing influence upon the life of each individual, but one of the biggest factors in his life is the position of the heavenly bodies at the time of his birth. The closer the astrologer can come to the exact minute of birth, the more accurately he can "write the horoscope."
3. An astrologer writes a horoscope by determining the position of the sun, the moon, the planets and the "houses" of the zodiac, (we will deal with the zodiac shortly.) Since no man knows the position of the heavens at the time of his own birth, the astrologer determines this from his knowledge of astronomy, and his ephemeris (Ephemeris is a book of statistics showing every position of all bodies of the universe at any given moment and place on earth) and charts.
4. Once the position of the heavens at the time of birth is known with precision, the astrologer is able to determine the character, life-style, destiny and other influencing factors in a person's life. Since two people in only extreme rare situations have the same horoscope, these influences are constantly shifting. Thus, the horoscope becomes as individual as the personality. It is your own celestial "fingerprint."
5. Since a horoscope is such an individual matter, the serious student of astrology can know only the most general influences from the so-called "daily horoscopes." The continuing influence of the heavens can be determined only after the natal horoscope is erected.
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