Where Is God
Where Is God
· If God is in Infinity and therefore beyond us, how can we know God?
· If God is infinite can there be such a thing as one perfect religion or best religion for everyone?
· How do you decide which religion or spiritual discipline is good, bad or not so good?
· Should God be symbolized as Spirit/Energy, as male God, Mother God? or how? What is the best symbolism to you and why?
· Almost all religions, certainly most, espouse love. Why then has so much evil occurred in the name of God?
· If you are God in the yoga/Buddhist sense of the word, then should you still pray? Or just work on being God or finding the Self/God within? Should you work only on no duality or should you work on the dual vision also?
· Which is more important, finding your own Enlightenment, or helping? others? If tending to others interferes with your meditation and God presence, should you ignore them or should you tend to them, even though they disturb your inner state?
· If God is within each person (as well as all creation). Why is God, so difficult to find? Shouldn't this be easy?
· What is the purpose of mystical experiences; visions, voices, dreams, revelations and such. Are they good in any way or bad?
· If you had to spend the rest of your life on an island with people how would you like them to be? Describe the kind of people you could bear spending the rest of your life with on an island.
· When you see God face to face how will God look? When you die and go to Heaven, what will you see? Explain what you think you will see.
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