The Planet-Venus
The Planet-Venus
We are approaching Venus on the dark side and only a sliver of the lighted side is clearly visible. Behind us, 28 million miles distant, our home planet, has shrunk into a brilliant planet, brighter than any, except the sun, in the heavens. The messages we relay back to earth, traveling at the speed of light, take two and a half minutes to reach home. The sun, now only 67 million miles away has grown a third larger than it appears from earth and twice as much solar heat and light beam down on our spacecraft. Our closest approach, as we swing around the planet, is 3,100 miles away and Venus is shining brilliantly with a slightly yellowish color. All we can see however, is an expanse of dense clouds. That is all any man has ever seen of Venus and it may be all any man will ever see for what lurks below that veil is an awesome world of unbearable heat and pressures of terrifying distortions. Scientists estimate that the temperatures on this orb reach 1,000°F. at the equator. It is hardly suitable for life as man understands it. The atmosphere of this fiery planet is thought to be about 95 percent carbon dioxide exerting a pressure 100 times the pressure of the earth's atmosphere. The dense clouds surrounding the planet are as high as 35 miles. (The highest earth clouds are 10 miles) Two well known symbols, that of the circle of the sun and the cross of matter, form the construction of the symbol for Venus. They are joined together with the circle at the top. The whole portrays the sun energizing the earth and causing vegetation and animal life. Venus, then, manifests all the things of the world glorified under the radiance of the sun. It embraces the principle of love on earth, of attraction, joy, gifts and benefits.
Venus moves the reproductive instinct into the emotion of love in all its beauty. It confers the power of cohesion, uniting things and people together. Venus is considered to be a benefic in the natural horoscope and when favorably positioned it signifies harmony, sweetness, gentleness, a definitive spirit of refinement and an exacting good taste. It encourages man to make his surroundings beautiful and so it governs the arts. In music it rules the melody rather than the harmony, the latter being more under the mental mercury. Venus rules two signs and two houses. It rules Taurus and the second house, also Libra and the seventh house. It is a water planet and feminine in nature.
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