The Twelfth House - Enmities & Secrets
The Twelfth House - Enmities & Secrets
The Twelfth House defines your foundations, together with the subconscious and all that hampers and restricts your power of expression. It denotes the basic strength or weakness of your body and soul. Hereditary weaknesses lie in the Fourth and Sixth Houses and not in the Twelfth. This House rules institutions of all kinds, hospitals, limiting circumstances, secrets of all kinds, and also secret enemies. It is the House of large animals. This is one of the unfortunate Houses of the Horoscope and indicates some of the difficulties which one can expect to encounter, particularly as a result of the unfriendliness, enmity and unfair competition of other people. The Sign on the cusp of this House will show the avenues and interests of life most likely to bring enmity and unpleasantness whereas the presence of a planet in this House often accentuates the liability toward enmity, particularly if Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn or Mars happens to be there. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter are not so productive of enmity and can in certain instances bring compensations.
Restrictive conditions and liability towards imprisonment are also indicated and in certain instances should the planet Mars be therein it would signify the danger of being taken a prisoner of war, of being interned or of being put into a concentration camp. The Twelfth House signifies in addition the things that one can do that interfere with the progress or development in the life and that constitute what is termed self-undoing. This often occurs when the ruling planet (that is the planet which rules the Rising Sign) happens to be placed in the House and sometimes when the Moon happens to be there. In certain instances it indicates financial and other losses connected with the business or profession more so when the ruler of the Sign on the cusp of the Tenth House happens to be there. If, however, there are no planets in the Twelfth House the liability towards enmity, loss and self-undoing is considerably lessened. In a Mundane figure it heralds labor disturbances, plagues and epidemics and conditions that militate against the public welfare. Correctional institutions, jails, prisons and workhouses all come under its influence. In an organization it represents the dissolution of the organization as an entity.
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