The Twelve Houses Of The Zodiac-Vol-1

In astrology, every horoscope is divided into twelve sections and these sections are known as the houses of the Zodiac. Each house is carefully assigned to some department of life. It is very important that we understand that these different departments are not selected arbitrarily nor are they assigned in a haphazard way. They are the direct result of thousands of years of careful observations and recordings. After you have erected and delineated a few charts, you will begin to realize their accuracy. They are related to the signs but we must not confuse them with the signs because signs and the houses are two very different things. The signs are fields of potential energy and influence moving through the houses, or departments of life which remain stationary. The signs exert the heavenly influence and the houses represent the intricate allotments of our earthy assets and experiences.

The first House begins on the cusp of the ascendant and extends 30° below to the next cusp which is the cusp for the Second house. The rest of the Houses follow in a counter clock-wise manner. Depending exclusively on the exact time and location of birth, any of the signs may be on the cusp of the House or in the House. Whatever sign is at the cusp of the First House is known as the ascendant sign and is succeeded by the rest of the Zodiacal signs in their correct unbroken sequence. Where Pisces ends, Aries begins, for the zodiac is truly an unbroken circle. The modern division of the horoscope divides the zodiac into four distinct parts. The first is a horizontal line, or the equator, which divides the Zodiac graphically into a top and a bottom section. The second is a vertical line, or the meridian, which divides the horoscope into an eastern and a western (right) section.

The division of the horoscope by the horizon or horizontal line into day and night is regarded as a real division founded on fact. The top half contains the houses from sunrise to sunset, while the northern half contains the houses from sunset to sunrise. When casting a horoscope, if you find the majority of the native's (Native is the term used to describe the person whose chart is being considered.) planets are above the horizon, he will tend to possess extrovert tendencies, a preoccupation with externals, surrounded by an objective point of view. If you find the majority of planets below the horizon, you can expect the native to be largely subjective and to be strongly dependent on instinct and intuition and his character will be more of the introvert type. These broad concepts have been proven true by countless careful individual observations made over thousands of years.

The Twelve Houses Of The Zodiac-Vol-1

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