Signs In The 10th House

Signs In The 10th House


Aries in the Tenth House

The influence of Aries in the Tenth House implies that the native's profession may involve the construction and mechanical businesses. It indicates involvement in all forms of building: houses, shops, offices, factories, etc., and the various trades associated therewith, such as brickmaking, cement, concrete, carpentry, and painting. Road and bridge construction hold numerous financial opportunities for the native. He may also find some success in the timber and forestry businesses.


Taurus in the Tenth House

The impact of Taurus in the Tenth House suggests that with the proper training, the native has the inherent ability to pursue a profession connected with the financial side of life. He may find considerable success in the banking world. He is well-equipped to advance in the stock exchange or through stock broking. The Taurus native of the Tenth House is artistically inclined, and hence he may pursue one of the arts-music, singing, painting, etc. - professionally. Again, this is dependent upon opportunity and the training available.


Gemini in the Tenth House

The Gemini influence in the Tenth House implies that the native will find the most success and happiness in a profession where his intellectual capacity is utilized. There is an inherent potential for success in journalism or some form of writing. The native will not find professional happiness unless he is constantly thinking and developing his intellectual prowess. It may very well be that this native will have some type of business with a transportation agency. This will keep him in contact with a diverse and varied set of people.


Cancer in the Tenth House

The native of this position of Cancer has an intense original imagination, and if he is to find professional happiness, he must utilize his imagination. It seems that many of the people born with Cancer in this position find success in the advertising and publicity worlds. There is a wealth of potential for the imaginative type in these fields. Although the native can conjure up many interesting and efficient ideas for novels, short stories, etc., he does not have the natural talent of putting thoughts into words, which is so necessary to a writer. If he were to pursue this field, he would have to train himself, rigorously.


Leo in the Tenth House

The influence of Leo in the Tenth House is excellent for the educational field. The native has a natural desire and talent to fulfill some capacity related to education. Instruction is probably the best career for the native as he loves to teach and pass on the knowledge he has acquired to others. The native can also expect to find some success in the stock market, but he must be very careful here, and make sure that he understands every move he makes.


Virgo in the Tenth House

Virgo implies that the native should find a considerable amount of success in the agricultural field. The marketing and selling of all forms of farm produce would also prove beneficial. The native can also expect to find some success in the clerical and secretarial fields, although these areas should not be considered for a life-long profession. The native should use the clerical and secretarial fields as stepping-stones, and no more. The native should also come into contact with interests concerning food reform and manipulative forms of healing, such as osteopathy.


Libra in the Tenth House

The influence of Libra indicates that the native may expect to find considerable success working in some capacity with precious stones and metals. The native could expect to find much success in the field of metallurgy or simply in the cutting and polishing of precious stones. The native can also satisfy himself in some capacity with the diamond industry. The Libra influence implies that the native has the utmost respect for the work he does, and for this reason is very efficient.


Scorpio in the Tenth House

The influence of Scorpio in the Tenth House suggests that the native should pursue a medical or dental career. Of course, it is necessary for the person to be afforded the opportunity, but once that is there, this is the best professional area for him to pursue to pursue. The Scorpio influence will provide the native with all the necessary drive and determination necessary to pursue this career. Even if the native, for some unfortunate reason, cannot pursue medicine professionally, hospital work of some capacity is suitable.


Sagittarius in the Tenth House

All aspects connected with the legal side of life hold a considerable amount of potential success and happiness for the native. Accounting, insurance, or shipping are also indicated as possible areas for professional development. The native has a tremendous desire for intellectual development, and the more of this that his profession will enable him to do, the happier he becomes. The happier and more content he is, the more efficient his work is.


Capricorn in the Tenth House

The tremendous ambitious and business drive is vividly portrayed by this position of Capricorn. The native of this position has an almost limitless capacity for organization. He is the one who will be responsible for the degree of efficiency with which a business operates. For this reason, he functions most effectively when in an administrative or executive position. From this point, he can effectively relegate his power and ideas through his labor force.


Aquarius in the Tenth House

A love and command of statistics and minute details is indicated by this position of Aquarius. If the native can effectively blend his intellectual and mental interests with the world of mathematics, then a scientifically related profession is strongly indicated. This sign implies success in electronics and everything which is related directly or indirectly to the world of electricity. The native may very well study the field of astronomy professionally.


Pisces in the Tenth House

Pisces in the Tenth House indicates that the native has a natural potential to pursue nursing or medical work. All forms of hospital and remedial work are suitable, since the native has an acute compassion for his fellow-man, and is always willing to help him. There are also indications that the native may follow some type of sea or water profession, where he is near the water everyday. Pisces have a great love for the water.


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