Signs In The 7th House

Signs In The 7th House
Aries in the Seventh House
The influence of Aries in the Seventh House implies that the native is highly idealistic in the areas concerning his affections and marriage. This is dangerous, and he should cultivate a sense of practicality in the actual forming of associations. A considerable amount of emotional impulse is indicated, and this is intensified by a natural desire for companionship with the opposite sex. If the native cannot modify the impulsive side of his emotional make-up, an unsuccessful marriage is indicated. The native should avoid partnerships, because numerous problems are indicated. If the situation should arise where a partner is necessary, he should be very discriminate.

Taurus in the Seventh House
The Taurus influence in the Seventh House enhances the native's desire for affection, but it also provides him with an inherent discriminatory nature. Hence, he will only enter into a relationship after careful consideration of the outcome of that relationship. For this reason the native will find much happiness and success in marriage. He is a naturally faithful person, and will do almost anything to maintain domestic tranquility. Partnership in business will be successful and long-term. Once again, the native employs his natural powers of discretion and will make a wise choice.

Gemini in the Seventh House
The variety of the Gemini influence here implies that the native will be involved with several affairs at once, and that sometimes more than one marriage will occur. The natural Gemini drive for variety and change must be controlled, because it can cause hurt and incite emotional trauma. The native will continuously seek those who operate on the intellectual plane. His ability as a conversationalist will attract many people to him. The native should use complete discretion in the choice of a business partner. The most suitable one would be the one with the highest degree of adaptability.

Cancer in the Seventh House
Cancer incites the native's natural desire for domestic comforts and a peaceful family life. Thus the native is very serious about marriage and will make sure that he chooses the right partner. The Cancer influence here suggests numerous emotional traumas which can lead to considerable heartache. The native must strive not to let his emotions rule his intellect. If he can cultivate his intellectual powers, then he can effectively deal with his emotional problems. This position of Cancer is excellent for partnerships, because the native is responsive to and considerate of the problems which may arise.

Leo in the Seventh House
The Leo influence, here, intensifies the natural desire for affection. It implies that the ambitions of the native will determine the types of relationships he will seek. The impact of Leo in this House indicates a successful marriage, and implies that after marriage, the social position is of paramount importance. Partnerships should be avoided because the native wants to be his own man, make his own decisions, and run his own business.

Virgo in the Seventh House
The Virgo influence, here, suggests that the native is discriminate and critical of the relationships he enters. He analyzes every aspect and possibility before committing himself. The native desires the comforts and overall amenities of marriage, and will do almost anything to sustain these. The immensely critical nature which Virgo implies is the main marital problem. The native must strive to understand and accept the partner as he is, and not try to change him. As far as partnerships are concerned, once again the criticism of Virgo interferes, and if the native cannot modify this tendency, he should avoid such associations.

Libra in the Seventh House
The Libra influence in the Seventh House implies a natural attraction towards marriage. The native has a strong desire for companionship and affection. He has an idealistic conception of marriage, and it would behoove him to consider the practical side as well. The balance and peace of Libra affords the native the inherent potential to create a successful domestic life. As far as partnership is concerned, the influence of Libra is excellent. The native is capable and willing to consider the partner's view. Successful ventures are implied.

Scorpio in the Seventh House
Scorpio, placed here, intensifies the emotional desires and incites the desire for marriage. The major problems facing the native, as far as associations and marriage go, are the intense jealousy and antagonism which is part of his basic nature. If he can modify these negative influences of Scorpio, he will become a more complete person, and he stands a better chance for a successful marriage. Partnerships have the potential to be successful but, once again, the native will have to learn to curb his jealousies.

Sagittarius in the Seventh House
Sagittarius indicates that the native needs a variety of attachments and associations before he can even consider the idea of marriage. The Sign is sometimes productive of more than one marriage, as the native will become bored and look for something new. It is crucial for the native to not feel as if he is missing anything. The woman who can make him happy is rare, and this explains why he spends so much time looking for her. The native should shy away from partnerships because failure is indicated.

Capricorn in the Seventh House
The influence of Capricorn in the Seventh House implies that the ambitious side of the nature will determine the affectionate and marital aspects of life. The native will marry only if this can be efficiently meshed with his ambitious drives. His career is of paramount importance to him, and he does not want anything to interfere with his professional success. The prospects of partnership are excellent simply because the Capricorn native here is highly discriminate, and he would not bother with partnerships unless he knows he has the right man.

Aquarius in the Seventh House
The Aquarius influence in the Seventh House suggests that the native will rely on marriage to realize all of his childhood hopes and dreams. This can be very dangerous, as this type of naivete can only lead to heartache. The native is intensely attracted to those older than himself, as he sees them being the answer to his fantasies. The influence is questionable as far as partnerships are concerned. Although they can be easily formed, the native's immaturity can destroy them just as quickly.

Pisces in the Seventh House
The influence of Pisces in the Seventh House suggests that the native has an idealistic approach to his emotional and marital affairs. Although this is an effective approach, the native must also cultivate a sense of practicality if he is to avoid the hurt of reality. If the native cannot acquire this sense of practicality, he can become very disillusioned with life and never find happiness. Partnerships may be very successful, but, once again, the native must be careful not to let his idealistic tendencies cloud the real issues.


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