Signs In The 8th House
Signs In The 8th House
Aries in the Eighth House
The influence of Aries in the Eighth House suggests that cerebral disturbances are a primary cause of death. The native should always be intricately careful with his head and brains, and anything connected therewith because these are very sensitive areas. The native must be cautious when driving or riding in a car, for danger is imminent. The possibilities for inheritance are few, and even if one should occur, the amount of benefit obtained is minimal.
Taurus in the Eighth House
The influence of Taurus in the Eighth House suggests that the heart may be one of the major causes of death. Disorders of the throat can also lead to the native's death. He must be cautious with any throat or throat-related disease or infection. The prospects for inheritance are excellent, and the native can expect to inherit some land or property of considerable value. The property may already be the home of a prospering business, and this could be included in the inheritance.
Gemini in the Eighth House
Gemini in the Eighth House implies that the chief cause of death may be a cessation of respiratory activity. The condition of the lungs and the respiratory system should be maintained because they are sensitive. Also, the native should avoid excesses of alcohol or drugs, because they are potentially dangerous to his body balance. An inheritance from a relative is indicated, but it will not be that substantial, and will probably occur in the middle stage of the native's life.
Cancer in the Eighth House
Diseases of the breasts, epigastric area, pancreas, and the womb may be responsible for the native's death. These areas of the body are highly sensitive, and the native should always be aware of this. Sometimes extreme cases of insomnia are indicated, which are dangerous to the mental and physical well-being of the native. The possibilities for inheritance are directly dependent on the family wealth. It is rare that inheritance will originate outside of the immediate family. Whatever wealth the family has, it will leave behind for the native's pleasure.
Leo in the Eighth House
Leo in the Eighth House reveals the fact that the heart or the spinal cord are related to the native's death. Death can occur from any of the various forms of heart disease. The impact of Leo on the inheritance cycle is tremendous. The native can expect to become rich through inheritances from all angles. The immediate family, relatives, and distant friends are all potentials for the inheritances. Leo affords the native a natural desire to gamble, and if this desire is not modified, the fortune inherited could be just as quickly wasted.
Virgo in the Eighth House
The native of this position of Virgo must be careful of his stomach and intestines, because they are extremely sensitive areas of the body. Ulcers are indicated, and this possibility is intensified because of the natural worry which Virgo provides the native. If he can learn to modify the critical aspect of his nature, then he will worry less, and the overload on his intestines will cease. As far as inheritance is concerned, the influence is doubtful. There is a slight chance of some gain through this means, but more than likely, the native will never experience the financial aid of an inheritance.
Libra in the Eighth House
Some form of kidney disease such as nephritis or Bright's disease, etc., will be a major contributor to the death of the native. The kidneys are extremely susceptible, and the native should constantly maintain their strength. Libra in the Eighth House indicates that the native can expect a substantial inheritance through the death of either the marital or business partner. It also suggests that a legacy may be left to the marital or business partner, and that the native will gain from this.
Scorpio in the Eighth House
Scorpio indicates that the native may die a violent death because of some unwise risk or adventure undertaken. Scorpio is concerned with all sexual disorders, and with such occurences as Hernia, Fistulas, and Hemorrhoids. The implication of a violent death is completely dependent on the planetary aspects involved. The possibilities for gain through legacy or inheritance are numerous, but there are indications that this money will be spent unwisely, and never realize its true potential.
Sagittarius in the Eighth House
Death can occur, under Sagittarius' influence here, through accidents arising from all forms of sporting activity, more especially through sports of an equine nature. Other possible causes of death could be through fevers such as enterio, or through arterio-sclerosis, abscesses, tumors or growths. The implications for inheritance are excellent, and it may even come from some distant unknown source such as a distant relative, and, in certain instances, through a relative or the business or marriage partner.
Capricorn in the Eighth House
The influence of Capricorn in the Eighth House implies that the native, no matter how sick he is, has an uncanny grip on life. In the face of death from a chronic illness, the native will prolong his agony and pain despite the suffering, through his desire to live. The Sign is indicative of senility, and the native may live until he just fades away. As far as legacy and inheritance are concerned, the native can expect a minimal inheritance from a close member of the family, but this will not amount to anything substantial.
Aquarius in the Eighth House
The influence of Aquarius in the Eighth House indicates that death may be caused through some form of blood circulation. Pernicious anemia is one of the more serious complaints from the natives of this position of Aquarius. The native is a dreamer, and he may live in a fantasy as far as inheritance is concerned, always dreaming of the fortune he, unfortunately, will never realize. He may be the beneficiary of a small inheritance, but his dreams are of the big one.
Pisces in the Eighth House
The native of this position of Pisces must be extremely cautious where drugs and alcohol are concerned, because he has a tendency to over-indulge, and this can prove fatal. It he cannot modify this tendency, an early death is indicated. Death can occur through the respiratory organs stopping their normal functions because of an undue secretion of phlegm and mucus of a catarrhal nature. The indications for legacy and inheritance are almost non-existent. The native should not expect any financial help through the aid of inheritance.
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