
Showing posts from July, 2011

The Planet-Mercury

The Planet-Mercury Catapulted by Venus gravitational field, our spacecraft bends its flight path by some 40 degrees and races on toward Mercury, the innermost and smallest planet in the solar system. A year or so later we reach this small planet which has only about a third the diameter of earth. We approach it so fast and it looms so swiftly that we almost feel vertigo. Our earth lies 93 million miles behind yet it is still a very bright point of light. The sun is now only 43 million miles away and it appears twice as large as when viewed from earth. The surface of Mercury filling our view is a rare sight, never clearly seen from earth. Now we see it with perfect clarity, no atmospheric effects block the vista. We are only about 600 miles from the surface, and our eyes can distinguish objects as small as 1,700 feet across. Everywhere we see evidence that this rocky cinder has been cratered by comets and asteroids, and it is not hard to imagine that it was once scorched by tremendou...

The Planet-Mars

The Planet-Mars Propelled by an atlas-centaur orbit our spacecraft rapidly approaches Mars and sets down into an orbit about 1,000 miles above the ruddy surface. The colors are burnt ocher in the bright areas and a gray red in the dark, with none of the greens and blues observers "see" in their telescopes. The bright greens and blues are simply optical illusions. Incredible huge crators appear and Nix Olympica (snow of olympus) a bright-ringed crater 300 miles across, and Soles Lacus (lake of the sun) are among the more notable ones. These romantic names were given at a time when every educated man was steeped in mythology. The craters dominate the landscape and we see no mountain chains, no bodies of water, no canals. The atmosphere seems clear almost to the horizon, where a narrow rim of bluish haze, with an occasional bright patch, gives way quickly to the blackness of space. A diminished sun shines some 130,000,000 miles away, only 2/3 of its remembered size. Only half...

The Planet-Moon

The Planet-Moon The moon is very large in our sky. Although there are bigger moons in the solar system, ours is the biggest in proportion to its planet. When it rises or acts sometimes it looks huge. This is because we are looking at it through a heavier layer of atmosphere than when it is high above the horizon. This heavier layer of atmosphere acts like a magnifying glass. The symbol of the moon, being shaped like a crescent, pictures all that is receptive in your nature. It governs the instincts, the emotions, and the imagination. The moon is the storehouse of memory and if it is strongly situated in a chart they will have a good memory and be fascinated with history and antiques, unless of course there are other negating influences. just as the moon magnetically influences water in the oceans it also influences the water in the body's cells. Remember each cell contains 70% water! You are aware of the effect of the sun on water and hence on each cell. The moon in a chart infl...

The Planet-Sun

The Planet-Sun The Sun, the only fixed celestial body in our solar system, is the center of that system. (Remember though that in astrology we consider the earth to be the center of the horoscope and thus the earth's symbol is not shown on the horoscope chart but we do show its satellite the moon.) Our Sun if a solitary star, not a double, and it if the star we know best. Unlike the Sun, many stars travel through the sky in groups of two, and in most cases these stars orbit about each other and move around some mutual center of gravity. The construction of the symbols of the Sun, Moon and the planets consists of a circle, a crescent and a cross in different individual arrangements. The circle represents man's individuality, the crescent is his personality, and the cross is his materiality. A dot in the circle implies the drive for creativity. The Sun's symbol is a circle with a dot in the center, the individuality surrounded by distinct creativeness. The circle represents...

The Planets- History Of The Heavens

The Planets- History Of The Heavens As the shepherds of old watched the starry arch of the night wheel majestically overhead, they took great comfort in the apparent constancy of the heavens. Save for an occasional meteor whose brilliant trail flashed across the void of space each heavenly lamp stayed firmly fixed in its niche. But as ancient astronomers mapped the skies they found five "stars" that were strangely different. Most stars always held the same position in the same constellation, they appeared to be fixed in place. These particular five "stars" did not appear stationary, instead they wandered through a certain band of constellations. Also while the fixed stars shone with a twinkling light, the five shone with a light that was steadier. The Greeks called them planets, or wanderers because unaccountably and mysteriously they drifted from night to night across the winking field of lights in their own fashion, coming and going, sometimes disappearing for we...

Forthcoming Events-Festivals-26-31-July-2011

Forthcoming Events-Festivals-26-31-July-2011 [Kindly Visit www.Astrointl.Blogspot.Com Daily To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Thanks] LATEST INFORMATION ON ASTROLOGY 12,000 Visitors Today On From All Over the World. Daily Visit www.AstroIntl.BlogSpot.Com To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. May God Bless You With A Lot Of Prosperity And Pleasure. INTERNATIONAL ASTROLOGY NETWORK - A Network Of International Programs-Estd.1985-For Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Complete Analysis And Remedies Of Current Problems. Counseling Charges Rs.300 Only. Contact +91-186-2235088 [Between 3 PM-5 PM Only] For Details. INTERNATIONAL ASTROLOGY NETWORK, Surya Complex, Opp. Sukh Sadan Hospital , Telephones : Sms:0091-988-885-8077, Reception:0091-186-223-5088, Fax:0091-186-222-5077 Email : InternationalAstroNetwork@Gmail.Com Face...