Significance Of Sign-Capricorn

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac and its symbol is known as the mountain or sea goat and it signifies authority. It is the mountain climber of the zodiac. This is appropriate for Capricorn is at the top of the zodiacal chart. The mountain goat represents the heights on land and the whale represents superiority on the sea. A goat's head and beard are suggested by the symbol. The sun's entry date is usually December 22. When the sun is about to embark on its zodiacal journey north it is in the sign Capricorn. This is at about the same time as the winter solstice. Literally the word solstice means standing still, e.g. The sun is standing still. This happens at the summer solstice when the sun enters the sign Cancer and at the winter solstice when the sun enters the sign Capricorn. During these periods it appears that the sun stands still a brief moment to change its course from up to down and then from down to up. These moments mark the beginning of summer and the beginning of winter. In ancient civilizations the mountain goat was the most revealing symbol of the upward climbing of the sun. However, the symbolic goat had to be just as competent in achieving the descent. This was accomplished by making its lower appendages in the form of a fish. The result was the composite sea goat.

Its deified counterpart was the god Pan, son of Hermes and Dryope. Pan possessed the thighs and legs of a goat but had human head and torso. A horn, in the shape of a cornucopia, grew on his head and through this horn wishes became reality giving credence to the belief in the blessings that could be derived from the horn of plenty. Pan carried a musical woodwind instrument called the syrinx. It was comprised of seven resonant tubes, each, attended to a note of the octave. His love of music, and mischief, prompted him to challenge the music god Apollo to a contest of skill. Though Pan played well, he was defeated when it came to rendering sweet lyrics. He had other accomplishments, among which was a Capricious sense of humor. This probably came to his rescue in his romantic entanglement with the fair echo. He loved her but she loved Satyr who, in turn, was in love with Lyde. In the end they are all disappointed because of the lack of responsiveness. According to the legend on silent cold wintry nights when you hear the wind sighing through the leafless trees it is Pan playing on his syrinx, in memory of his lost love. Capricorn is of the earth element, cardinal in quality and serving in trinity. Some of its keywords are discrimination, prudence and understanding.

In nature, this sign is feminine or negative making it silent, dormant and receptive. Some favorable attributes are: self reliant, deep-thinking, refined, rhetorical, self-respecting and magnetic. Some of unfavorable ones are: proud, often too independent and selfish. It is practical, calm and desirous of learning. On any line of work this native likes to be in authority and if knowledgeable could make a splendid supervisor. Good at compromising and organizing. Rather ambitious but will cooperate to achieve his own goals yet he may be too ambitious for his own good. As we pointed out earlier, Capricorn is the mountain climber of the zodiac even in early childhood he sets out to conquer life and he never gives up until he achieves a secure position in society. Capricorn is associated with the tenth house of success and prestige and his purpose is fulfillment of ambitions through hard work and persistent efforts, despite any obstacles he may encounter along the way. If he lives up to his potential, he is a true worker with a goal in life. He will patiently play by the rules to ensure performance at the top. He will always proceed with a doubting caution, constantly applying previous knowledge before taking the next step ensuring a slow but sure climb. His reputation is extremely important to him and his word is his honor. However, he is often disappointed when others don't come through because he has measured them by his own high standards. In fact, his biggest problem can be that of taking himself too seriously. Often, this is the cause of the numerous frustrations he seems to encounter. When he fails to express his finer attributes he becomes the social climber or user. He expects life to hand him his due on a silver platter, while he refuses to extend himself in any way. Or he is always right and others are always wrong, because they haven't recognized his superiority as such.

In employment, the sons and daughters of Capricorn generally find success in any line paralleling the affairs of their birth sign or the interests of the house in which the sun finds itself in the horoscope. For alliances such as business, fraternal or marriage those born under the same sign as Capricorn or one opposite, trine or sextile to it are the most conducive for a smooth relationship. The Sun-Moon relationship once again has been found to be excellent for marriage. Decanate division shows that those born when the sun was in the first ten degrees (decan) of Capricorn are good at organization, coordination a forerunner of better things and an excellent conciliator of disputing factions. Those of the second decan are dauntless, again and again they come back for more, sometimes they must suffer martyrdom of their ideals, but by indefatigable effort they can scale the heights of success. Those located in the third decan possess, an inherent idealism, a basic natural ability to grasp high ideals and to express them in concrete form, a powerful imagination joined to intensive labor, a knowledge of the infinite and a trace of psychic. The dignities of Saturn, ruler of Capricorn are that it governs Capricorn and is exalted in Libra. Its debilities are that it is in its detriment when in Cancer and in its fall when in Aries. In mundane astrology Capricorn rules all government work and workers, elective, appointive or civil services

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Significance Of Sign-Capricorn


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