The Planet-Sun
The Planet-Sun
The Sun, the only fixed celestial body in our solar system, is the center of that system. (Remember though that in astrology we consider the earth to be the center of the horoscope and thus the earth's symbol is not shown on the horoscope chart but we do show its satellite the moon.) Our Sun if a solitary star, not a double, and it if the star we know best. Unlike the Sun, many stars travel through the sky in groups of two, and in most cases these stars orbit about each other and move around some mutual center of gravity. The construction of the symbols of the Sun, Moon and the planets consists of a circle, a crescent and a cross in different individual arrangements. The circle represents man's individuality, the crescent is his personality, and the cross is his materiality. A dot in the circle implies the drive for creativity. The Sun's symbol is a circle with a dot in the center, the individuality surrounded by distinct creativeness. The circle represents what is infinite and boundless, that which has no beginning or end. Hence, it is an appropriate symbol for the Sun, without which life could not survive. The dot in the middle indicates the seed of a lesser light contained within the larger. The whole symbol typifies the Sun's personification of man's life and spirit.
The theory most commonly accepted, explaining the birth of the Sun and its planets, was devised by Immanuel Kant in 1775 and revised countless times since. It supposes that about 5 billion years ago the sun and the planets began to form out of a vast, thin-spread cloud of the gas and dust. The cloud particles were moving and tended to attract one another and so the cloud began to condense. As it condensed, the force of gravity at its center grew stronger and stronger and eventually the cloud collapsed on itself. It formed a huge ball of gas and dust that began to spin. The particles in the middle of the disk were under great pressure and temperatures rose until this central mass became white-hot and began to generate light and heat. Under very great pressure at very high temperatures, the nuclei of the hydrogen atoms fuse, forming the nuclei of helium atoms. As they do so, energy is given off and the energy is radiated. While the sun was forming at the center, the outer parts of the disk had broken up into whirlpools of gas and dust. The dust particles settled toward the centers of the whirlpools and they began to collide. When two particles of the same size collided, they evaporated in the heat developed by the collision. When two particles of different sizes collided, the small one was added to the mass of the large one. In this way, during a few hundred million years, the planets formed. They were glowing hot, but they did not shine by nuclear fusion because their masses were not great enough to make the hydrogen nuclei fuse.
This is essentially why astrologers consider your Sun sign so powerful. It is the authority of our solar system. It gives existence and energy (life) to its satellites (planets) and without it the orbs could not survive. Not only are the planets controlled by the Sun but they owe their very existence to it. It becomes obvious, then, why the Sun is the most dominant force in the horoscope. In astrology, the Sun represents the creative urge and the will to lead. Man stripped of all his acquired habits and mannerisms, and of all the trappings of education and civilization is portrayed in the Sun's glorious influence. It reveals the man behind every mask he can make for himself. As an astrologer you will come to realize the high influence the sun has on each human being and everything else on earth. The influence must be considered with the varied and different influences of the planets reflecting and changing the Sun's radiation. Each planet and the moon produce a different effect. This phenomenon is the very heart of astrology. Most important is the fact that these varying effects have been scientifically proven! e.g. if you stand in the Sun long enough the radiation burns your skin. The Sun represents life, not only in the heart but in each cell. And in all life, according to the ancient astrologer, there is consciousness - not necessarily self-consciousness but a consciousness which is aware of the presence and need of other living entities. The Sun is a fire star. It is said to be masculine or positive, that is it seeks to give rather than to receive. It is the natural ruler of the sign Leo and of the fifth house of the Zodiac. You can see how crucial a careful interpretation of the Sun's influence will be in your client's chart. You will understand this clearly by the end of the course.
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