The Planet-Moon

The Planet-Moon

The moon is very large in our sky. Although there are bigger moons in the solar system, ours is the biggest in proportion to its planet. When it rises or acts sometimes it looks huge. This is because we are looking at it through a heavier layer of atmosphere than when it is high above the horizon. This heavier layer of atmosphere acts like a magnifying glass. The symbol of the moon, being shaped like a crescent, pictures all that is receptive in your nature. It governs the instincts, the emotions, and the imagination. The moon is the storehouse of memory and if it is strongly situated in a chart they will have a good memory and be fascinated with history and antiques, unless of course there are other negating influences. just as the moon magnetically influences water in the oceans it also influences the water in the body's cells. Remember each cell contains 70% water! You are aware of the effect of the sun on water and hence on each cell. The moon in a chart influences ability, or lack of it, to draw large masses of people to you, whether in the home, the business world, on the stage, or in government.

The moon causes growth and rules fecundity. The power of the moon in your horoscope will determine which area of consciousness within you has the most chance of growth. Whereas the sun is the giver of life the moon is considered to be the soul that takes care of that life. When we say that the moon defines the personality we have to understand what the personality means to the astrologer. To the astrologer the personality affords us the power to realize that we as personalities are separate and distinct from others. It embraces, memory, all our feelings and emotions, to a certain extent reason, and our likes and dislikes. It is through all of these qualities that we are conscious that we are ourselves and not some other person. Unless, something tragic scars our memory of self, causing a dual personality, e.g., Jekyll and Hyde. This however must not be confused with the fact that we all feel differently on certain days, or even in certain years of our lives, when different aspects of the moon are forming, or when different transits are at work. The moon is of the water element and so deals with our emotions. It is said to be feminine or negative meaning that it receives and holds rather than giving and creating. It is the ruler of the sign Cancer and of the natural fourth house.

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