Decanate-Scorpio in the Ascendant Position
Decanate - Scorpio in the Ascendant position 1st Decan of Scorpio The first decan of Scorpio rising depicts a reserved, shrewd, secretive and proud disposition. There are two distinct types of people born under this sign, the extremely ignorant and the highly mystical. The former are inquisitive, deceitful, jealous and treacherous while the latter are prudent self-controlled and highly dignified. In many respects this is an unusual sign as it produces natives of one extreme or the other. The weakest people born under this influence are those who have no control over their criminal senses while the strongest are the mystical and intelligent. 2nd Decan of Scorpio When the 2nd decan of Scorpio ascends it accentuates either of the extremes mentioned above. Fate is usually unfortunate and often disastrous. If the native is born into a wretched environment he rarely succeeds in raising himself above mediocrity. The natives of this position seldom produce their own opport...