Saturn In The Signs-1

Saturn In The Signs-1

Again to refresh our memories Saturn is the ruler of the sign Capricorn, it is exalted in the Sign Libra has its fall in the sign Aries and is detrimented in the Signs Cancer and Leo.


Saturn In Aries

Saturn is in its fall when in Aries and its influence can cause much turmoil. This position will bring many periods of anxiousness and worrying but if the native can cultivate his powers of endurance and fortitude he will have some help he needs in working through the many difficulties encountered. There is a certain amount of impatience and an inclination towards taking risks. The native will suffer because of these tendencies. He tends to act too quickly and thus he precipitates his own unfortunate circumstances. Yet if he can control his impulsive nature he will undoubtedly acquire a position of power and influence.


Saturn in Taurus

This position tends to make the native strong-willed, very firm and persistent in pursuing his purposes. There is a possibility of inheritance especially through the parents. The native is usually careful and saving in money matters either from inclination or necessity, and he is sometimes even miserly. In any event there is a distinct tendency towards selfishness. The practical side of the nature will be enhanced and there will be a stronger social drive in the native due to his desire for companionship. Thus there will be closer contact with the social, public and artistic sides of life.


Saturn in Gemini

This position denotes tremendous potential brain power, however, success if often hampered by over-caution and suspicion. The power of the mental concentration is usually intensified but we must consider the position of Mercury here since it is the ruler of Gemini. Special effort should be made to increase the depth of thought and strength of character for this combination can make either a great philosopher and scientist or a public enemy and a criminal.


Saturn in Cancer

Saturn is detrimented in the sign Cancer and so its influence denotes a certain amount of discord. This position is unfortunate for worldly position, honor, wealth, possessions, and general success in life. It brings many troubles in business, occupation, and profession. It threatens downfall, loss of repute, financial troubles and poverty. There is a need for the native to be on guard against the tendency to inactivity, to peevish discontent and a self-centered outlook.


Saturn in Leo

Saturn is not well-placed in Leo and it's radiation produces discord. The native's life is bound to be frustrated with troubles, worries, delays, and hindrances. Yet on the other hand it gives an intensified capacity for endurance, persistency and concentration of mind to cope with these problems. The native must employ these capacities if he is to avoid the problems of the anxiety inherent in his nature. He may suffer some anguish through love-affairs or by submitting to anger.


Saturn in Virgo

Saturn is fairly well-placed in Virgo and the native can be expected to have an orderly, critical, and analytical mind. He will have an original and capable intellect, one that is suited to deal with profound subjects. He should be warned that the serious tendency in his nature may sometimes produce melancholy or gloom if it is not controlled. There is a strong will power, considerable firmness of character and the native will not be easily swayed once his mind is made up.



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