Planets In The 10th House
Sun in the Tenth House
When the Sun occupies the Tenth House, the radiations indicate that the native of this position possesses a natural ability to run his own business. It implies that he may attain a position of significance in a public or private company. It helps to increase the prestige and reputation which the native will obtain. This locality of the Sun strengthens overall character development and it indicates a tremendous capacity for organization and leadership. The opportunities for making headway in business associations and for deriving recognition from these efforts are numerous and the native need only recognize these opportunities to capitalize on them. He must, however, coordinate his efforts with the opportunities available for the most successful results.
Moon in the Tenth House
When the Moon occupies the Tenth House the native has several opportunities for advancement in the public and political areas. In many instances, interests and activities of this type afford the native many travel opportunities. It is a favorable position for the success of a one man business or businesses of a small nature. The position favors activities which bring the native into contact with the public. It is an excellent influence for matters relating to every day life. The native may become involved with farming and agricultural interests and there is some indication of financial success in these areas. The native has a very peaceful and harmonious domestic arrangement. This peace is extremely important to him and he will do almost anything to maintain it.
Mars in the Tenth House
Mars indicates that the native's profession may be associated with activities of an architectural or engineering nature. The native, of this position of Mars, often demonstrates the capacity to study medicine, surgery, dentistry, chemistry or photography. It increases the spirit of enterprise but indicates that the native should avoid taking unnecessary risks. He should also endeavor to control the impulsive side of his character as it can cause him many problems.
Mercury in the Tenth House
Mercury here indicates that the native should find success in an executive or administrative position. The influence is excellent for all municipal activities and matters concerning journalism and the newspaper field. Mercury's radiations here are also beneficial for all forms of clerical and secretarial work. The native has a natural tendency to act in a straight forward manner and to be honest in all business transactions. He is very efficient in carrying out his duties and responsibilities. This position of Mercury intensifies the native's inherent interest in politics and matters concerning the government.
Jupiter in the Tenth House
Most of the natives of this House position of Jupiter are inclined to the legal side of life. Some of the most profound lawyers of all time have Jupiter strongly placed in their nativities. There are indications which denote that the native will find financial success overseas. Jupiter affords the native a tremendous talent to etch out progress in any serious undertaking. The professional prominence of the native will undoubtedly augment his social position. Even if the native never seriously takes up the study of law, his mind will always operate from a legal viewpoint.
Venus in the Tenth House
Venus in the Tenth House affords the native a strong attraction to the artistic professions. The native may be connected, in one way or another, with some form of singing, dancing or acting. This is an excellent influence for financial success in the banking, accounting or insurance worlds. The societal and public position ensures the native considerable prestige. The native may exert some political influence if he can learn to blend his political views with his social life in which case he should attain high personal prestige.
Saturn in the Tenth House
Saturn exerts a powerful influence when it is in the Tenth House. Depending on the aspects the influence can be excellent or completely contrary. If well aspected, it indicates tremendous business, professional, and social success, but if on the other hand it is badly aspected, it indicates nothing but problems in these areas. This position of Saturn will bring the native into contact with the commercial side of life, usually into professions concerning management or control. There are indications that the native is quite capable of shouldering responsibility and authority.
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