Planets In The 5th House

Planets In The 5th House
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Sun in the Fifth House
The Sun in the Fifth House is a good position and it invariably will assist in the forming of favorable attachments. It indicates male offspring will be predominate as a rule. It is an excellent position for artistic pursuits, especially for acting and is usually helpful for both speculation and investment. In early life the desire for children will be strong. In middle life and in old age the interests and general welfare of young people will be foremost in the native's mind. He will sometimes find himself with a position which deals directly with helping young people spiritually and materialistically.

Moon in the Fifth House
When the Moon is in the Fifth House it intensifies the emotions and it is conducive to love affairs and flirtations. However a lot will depend upon the Sign on the House cusp. It indicates female offspring will be predominate as a rule. It indicates that the native has potential artistic ability which can become highly developed with the proper training. The position indicates that the native possesses many aspects of good judgement regarding investments, but as far as speculation goes the native should use extreme caution. The enterprising side of the native's nature will be quite apparent and if taken advantage of many benefits will follow. In love affairs, however discretion is advisable and the emotional side of the nature should not be permitted to get out of control.

Mars in the Fifth House
When Mars is in the Fifth House it intensifies the inclination towards flirtation. The passionate side of the nature will not be easy to keep under control. The position can be productive of some trouble and difficulty showing sudden attachments, discords and breaks. Sometimes it indicates the birth of children out of wedlock. It favors the birth of male children who will sometimes cause problems. Mars here is favorable for the pursuit of sculpture. There is an indication that the native will have a strong attraction to gambling and if he is not careful this will cause him many problems in life. There is a tendency to speculate in investments and careful analysis should be made in this area.

Mercury in the Fifth House
This position affords the native an optimistic mental outlook with the capacity for blending intellectual matters with those of an artistic and educational nature. The native can assimilate knowledge with relative ease and then pass it on to others in the form of teaching and instruction for adults as well as children. In many respects, this position provides the native with a natural psychological understanding of children, their temperaments, likes and dislikes. It also affords the talent to make quick appraisals of their character and future possibilities. This locality of Mercury indicates quite a variety of love affairs and attachments and this can cause a duplication of associations with the subsequent emotional difficulties.

Jupiter in the Fifth House
Jupiter is well placed in this House and it's radiations are mainly favorable. It assists the native in the formation of helpful love attachments and will bring benefit through them. It indicates that in some instances love affairs can originate through interests of a religious or sporting nature. It denotes a good influence over children and it indicates chiefly male children. It's also a good influence for speculation and investment, signifying many benefits providing reasonable judgement is applied. There is a definite indication of considerable gain through speculation and investment.

Venus in the Fifth House
This is a good position for Venus as it gives strength and vitally to the native's depth of affection. The desire for love and companionship is strong, but if not properly controlled it can he productive of very unpleasant conditions. It is favorable to produce female children and is especially favorable for artistic interests. It indicates gain through speculation and investment if wisely handled. The artistic side of the nature is enhanced and there is usually a strong attraction towards acting and the theater arts. Some interest can also be taken in educational matters as well as those of a social, and pleasurable character.

Saturn in the Fifth House
Saturn in the Fifth House indicates difficulty in love affairs and it interferes in the forming of friendship associations. More often then not, these problems will originate through a personal difficulty of the native to express himself freely. Because of this difficulty, delays and awkward circumstances will surround the native. Saturn here restricts the family circle and a small family is depicted. Difficulty in the rearing of children is indicated here, but the native can rise above his problems and have a successful life. It is not a good position for speculation, but it does show a very good capacity for investment.


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