Saturn In The Signs-2

Saturn In The Signs-2

Saturn in Libra

Saturn is in the sign of its exaltation here and the radiation is very harmonious. The native is very independent, somewhat reserved, and may often strike other people as being cold. There is a strong love of justice and an equally strong sense of duty. The native is a "sticker" at anything undertaken and will not shirk even boring routine and/or hard work, although there is a strong appreciation of beauty, ease and comfort.


Saturn in Scorpio

Saturn in Scorpio is a position that denotes that the native's life will be a rather eventful one. There will be many ups and downs, an experiencing, on occasions, of bitter and unpleasant incidents causing a deal of resentment and even unhappiness: Yet the native can learn a great deal from his unfortunate experiences and use this knowledge to lead a fuller more complete life. Despite feelings of depression, the misunderstanding and unfair actions of others, the native will never give up his fight.


Saturn in Sagittarius

Saturn is reasonably well-placed when in the sign Sagittarius as this position adds a degree of optimism to the native and will draw out the philosophical qualities, thus overcoming the tendency towards depression and anxiety. The native will tend to view the ups and downs of life philosophically and accept their consequences. The ability is also there, if used, to see the inner meaning of the various difficulties which are encountered as well as to apply the knowledge derived from these experiences in the handling of future problems as they arise.


Saturn in Capricorn

Saturn is dignified in the sign Capricorn and so its influence is of a harmonious nature. The native is very self-centered with a tremendous independence of character. He has excellent aptitude to exercise power and mastery over people and he has some degree of ambition. From time to time there will be phases of gloom and melancholy with a general effect of isolation and loneliness. The native should be instructed to endeavor to cultivate more thought for the interests of other people because it will lessen his feelings of loneliness.


Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn is generally well placed here and it brings success to the native through societies, associations, companies or groups of people having some common object. This position lifts him up and indicates either general success or else prominence. It lessens certain of the restrictive significations of Saturn and assists both the progressive side of the native and the opportunities for making progress in everyday life. The capacity for making friends is intensified, and the friends made can be relied upon when troublesome conditions arise.


Saturn in Pisces

When Saturn is in Pisces the native is usually very hard to understand. The position indicates that he will have a certain amount of trouble expressing his inner feelings, desires or thoughts. In many instances there will be a marked difficulty in making progress. Matters related with companionship, friendship, marriage and partnership should be very carefully considered. The senses of worry and anxiety are enhanced and this may lead to various disappointments if it is not checked.



You should reread this lesson until the meaning of each Planet in each sign becomes part of your very nature. It is important to keep in your mind that the concept of aspects will determine if a planet's influence will be harmonious or not harmonious. We have covered Planets and Houses. There is considerable talk of a tenth Planet larger then Saturn which is so far away as to reflect very little light. Any new developments such as this will be brought to your attention through our Alumni Society. This is also true of further developments as to the planet Pluto and all other occurrences in Astrology throughout the World. The truth of the characteristics of the Houses and Planets is based on thousands of years of observation, research and recordings by Astrologers throughout the World. Their accuracy has been proven many many times over. It is very rare that an exception is encountered. However, when this does occur, careful study and analysis will usually reveal some explanation.  


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