The Element Of Air

The Element Of Air

The three air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Air Signs are similar to air because they generate the ability of circulation. They create an aura of relaxation when around people and situations. The Air Signs are most naturally associated with the channels of communication, thought, adaptability, and the gift of making and sustaining relationships with ease. This triplicity has its beginning in Gemini and it characterizes the influence of other people on the native. The keyword of the Air triplicity is other people. The Air native will feel comfortably at home when in the company of other people and he is afforded the vital opportunity to execute his innate powers of communications. Included in those other people are partners, friends, relatives, and nearby acquaintances. The air native will undoubtedly possess a precise talent for adaptability and will be able to modify himself to accommodate any changes on the social level. He is easily the most versatile person in the Zodiac and his true substance will emanate only as he shines in the company of others.

The Air Signs tend to exist in a constant state of motion and are comparable to the air because of this fact. They arduously maintain that reason and logic have a greater potency than the material aspects of human life. A Fire-Air Sign combination can effect tremendous mental development and upon occasion produce new and striking mental concepts and in isolated cases even the genius state can be reached. Just as air is necessary before fire can bum so the Air Signs act as a monumental stimulus to Fire Signs. Conversely the enthusiasm of the Fire Signs sharpens the reasoning faculties of the Air Signs igniting the mental processes. However, in order to make these concepts feasible for mankind it is of the utmost importance that some Earth Sign Planets are present somewhere in the Horoscope to modify and direct the progress. Earth, however, lies in square to Air tending to initiate some conflict between thought and practice. In order to inspire humanity, ideas must be linked to emotion, but emotion is despised by reason. For this reason the square of Air to Water is difficult to harmonize. The intellectual or mental Air Sign group is almost universally represented by a man, usually pouring water out of a jug, symbolizing the gift of the water of knowledge to a thirsting world. (Do not confuse with the similar Zodiac sign of Aquarius)

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