Mercury In The Signs-1

Mercury In The Signs-1

A general review of Mercury's basic characteristics will aid our study. If these do not come to your mind easily it would be wise to refer back to lesson six and refresh your memory. You should automatically think of the intellect and progress when considering Mercury. It exercises influence over all of our mental abilities. It represents our potential knowledge and wisdom. Mercury is the ruler of the signs Gemini and Virgo, it is exalted in the sign Aquarius, has its fall in the sign of Leo and is detrimented in the sign Sagittarius and Pisces.

Mercury In Aries

This position conveys a natural quickness of thought and inspiration on the native. Studies and constructional activities concerning architecture, motoring, bridge and road construction, surveying, aviation and communications favorable occupations to pursue. One of the major drawbacks of this position is that the native will be a very impulsive person and hence is likely to act without thinking. He is also likely to over-estimate or exaggerate in adding an unconscious coloring to statements. Warn him to stay away from hasty speech and rash projects and always to think carefully before he acts.

Mercury In Taurus

This location gives the native excellent powers of concentration and assimilation even though they may be a little slow. It confers on the native a patient, solid, and painstaking mentality. He has a practical, solid, firm and determined mind, somewhat obstinate and stubborn, inclined to be dogmatic or opinionated. You must tell him that his stubborn nature will cause him considerable grief if he does not attempt to minimize its nature. He is very inclined to a cheerful, refined, musical nature and he has the gift of discreet silence or very diplomatic speech.

Mercury In Gemini

Mercury posited in the Sign Gemini, bestows, on the native, a mentality of keeness and alertness. The planet is dignified here as it is the natural ruler of the Sign Gemini. The position indicates a natural capacity to follow a variety of studies but you should caution the native to strive for a proper regulation of studies and not to attempt too much. This placement of Mercury is excellent for the pursuit of purely intellectual studies concerning literature, either prose or poetry. The locality also denotes latent wit and humor, a love of detail, and a fondness for travel and knowledge of the different areas of the world. He has the power of clear-thinking and is generally free from bias.

Mercury In Cancer

This combination provides the native with a tenacity of thought and a vivid imagination. Therefore it greatly enhances the direct assimilation of knowledge. The native here has a remarkable ability to understand and see the other side. His mind is of strong sensitiveness with an excellent quality of tolerance. You must warn him that there can be a very basic lack of logic in his nature and that if he does not modify it he can get tangled up in moodiness and negative viewpoints.

Mercury In Leo

The sign Leo is greatly associated with art, education and children. Therefore when Mercury is posited in this sign studies concerning acting, the theater, education and teaching the young, are exceptionally useful. The native is the possessor of a determined, governing, organizing and controlling mind, with the power to take large and extensive views. He also has a high degree of faith and conviction in his noble ideas with a confident intuitive intellect. Tell your client here that he must be leary of any tendencies toward arrogance and ostentacious behavior because they can retard the mental development.

Mercury In Virgo

This locality of Mercury provides the native with excellent powers of perception, discrimination and investigation. Mercury is dignified in this sign and so its influence is intensified. This position affords the native versatility and practicality coupled with intuition and an innate love of mystery. He should be warned here, however, that his nature can become very critical and this can cause him a great deal of pain. There is also a tendency toward scepticism. Mercury in this position defines the native who learns quickly and easily with none of the labored efforts which the average mind encounters when approaching the unknown.


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