The Influence Of The Elements - Cross Of Matter

The Influence Of The Elements - Cross Of Matter


The second group, the Cross of Matter, is known as the Fixed Cross. It is also sometimes referred to as the square of gain, or the square of matter. Whereas the Cardinal Signs are similar to a vehicle of motion because they possess a tremendous amount of mobility the Fixed Signs are like heavy tanks slowly creeping through the heaviest of impediments. Both the Cardinal and Fixed Signs are excellent for the pursuit of a profession. The professions of course will differ in nature according to the Sign involved. A conscientious study of a nativity depicting a plurality of planets in Fixed Signs will undoubtedly signify that the person has etched out progress in the face of overwhelming obstacles, or, in some cases, that he is in the midst of a tragic state because he cannot, or will not, alter himself to adjust to new circumstances. He has become far too involved and attached to his own opinions to employ the principle of adaptability.


The Fixed Quaternary comprises those signs which, in natural chart, occupy the succedent houses 2, 5, 8 and 11. They are signs of great fixity of purpose and will power. They are opposed to change and prefer to follow a solid course in accordance with their opinions. They are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The second sign Taurus heralds the keynote of gain. It represents the money not only which the native earns but also what he spends his money on. There are three basic principles, concerning money, which are manifested by the square of Taurus to the houses of Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The square to Leo indicates that money will more than likely afford pleasure, entertainment and children. By the square to Aquarius money will be spent on friends and also on the achievement of one's objective in life. The opposition of Scorpio tends to indicate the money will be spent on sex, death, and funerals.


Taurus represents money earned through the continued self-effort of the native; Leo governs that money originating from the home or the family. Scorpio signals the money obtained through a partner either in business or on a personal level and Aquarius determines the money which the native procures as a direct result of his profession. Once again it is important to note that the planetary rulers of these Fixed Signs are: Venus for Taurus, the Sun of Leo, Mars for Scorpio, and Uranus for Aquarius. It appears, after careful observation, that the unmoving constant nature of the Sun exerts a direct influence on the other three rulers to maintain a constant devotion to their pattern of desires. Venus for money and possessions and things of a wordly nature. Mars for reproduction and things involving the bodily functions. Saturn for hopes and wishes and that which involves the occult and psychic natures of the mind. Uranus, however, seems to be the one planet which will yield to change and prevent the formation of ruts in the world. The Fixed Signs are of the same fixed nature as the succedent Houses to which they naturally belong.


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