Moon In The Signs-2

Moon In The Signs-2
Moon In Cancer
When you find the Moon in the sign of Cancer you find it is dignified and in the sign over which it exerts rulership. You would do well, (although the Cancer Moon relationship is excellent) to advise the native to make every effort to maintain an emotional balance. You should also warn him not to be over dramatic, possessive, or invoke too many domestic rearrangements. When the Moon is posited in Cancer there is a combination of initiative and of flexibility. You should caution your client to exercise discrimination and mental discipline. If emotional impulses are surrendered there will be a demonstration of changeability and some degree of laziness or selfishness may occur.

Moon In Leo
Since Leo affects matters concerning the heart, romance and social popularity we can expect these areas to grow during the Moon's presence. The Moon will lend us the knowledge and capacity to understand just how we should approach these matters. The native however, should be warned against the danger of vanity, conceit and pride for these qualities will no doubt have an adverse effect on the personality. The Moon posited here signifies that the native possesses a quick mind, and a basic intuitive understanding of people and conditions. You should caution this client to strive for mental rather than emotional regulation of decisions and activities. 

Moon In Virgo
The influence of Virgo is related to matters concerning employment, health, self-reliance and concern for detail. The Moon indicates that from a personal standpoint the native's normal approach to people and affairs is realistic and in some respects analytical in nature. It is now that your client will better understand the relationship between employer and employee. Here he will also develop keen insight into the necessity of maintaining an efficient diet surrounded with daily exercise for his physical and mental health. The native should be admonished to employ steady confident judgement concerning the critical side of his nature as bad aspects can cause him to be over critical.

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