Moon In The Signs-1

Just to refresh our memories, the Moon is the ruler of the sign Cancer, it is exalted in Taurus, has its fall in Scorpio and is detrimented in Capricorn. Again the Moon exerts its greatest influence on the personality. It is concerned with the outer side of the nature of the native. It is concerned with all of our feelings and emotions.

Moon In Aries
When you discover the Moon posited in Aries you can be certain that the native possesses a nature with a driving force of great intensity. Yet this native will also have a degree of charm and friendliness. His impetuous nature and lack of patience are his major drawbacks. It would be good to advise him to attempt to establish a tolerance of thought and action as this will enable him to balance out his impatient nature. For a successful love or friendship relationship the native must be both dependable and sympathetic.

Moon In Taurus
With the Moon in Taurus you can expect the native to possess a highly creative nature. Taurus indicates the principles of devotion, common sense, and perseverance. Because of this influence he has a tremendous working ability and staying power but you should instruct him to endeavor not to become too rigid in certain of his conceptions and activities as this would interfere with his progress. With the Moon in Taurus the native should, if all else looks right, involve himself in matters of a financial nature. The mental trends present are extremely beneficial in the financial area. Nobody will be able to defraud him in monetary pursuits. The Moon, Taurus combination gives the uncanny intuitive ability to decipher the future in such a way to promote financial interests. The personal desire for affection and happiness is shown to be strong although at times circumstances arise that can temporarily or permanently interfere with the full realization of this desire. You should counsel the native to strengthen his quality of adaptability and to polarize his obstinacy.

Moon In Gemini
The sign Gemini indicates a bright mental outlook and a sense of emotional adaptability. The Moon in this sign will make the whole outlook of the mind seem brighter. The native will demonstrate good insight in decisions on matters dealing with the family or travel. The Moon here signifies considerable creative energy. There will be a peculiar blending of personal independence with a strong degree of sympathy for others. The native will dislike routine yet he will have an uncanny skill to work with complex puzzling matters. He is constantly seeking variety, spice and change. Mental telepathy is part of his endowment of Moon in the sign Gemini. You should caution him to employ diplomacy however, and not speak about subjects harmful to others. There is a definite capacity to operate through conventional channels and concurrently a desire to test new avenues for progress, thus, appeasing the natural desire for change. You must warn your client that there will be times when a mental imbalance can occur as a result of emotional tension. If he is not careful here the end result will be a harmful internal antagonism.

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Moon In The Signs-1


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