Jupiter In The Signs-1

Jupiter In The Signs-1
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Remember that the material you're studying now is the heart of astrology. To erect a horoscope is a simple mathematical task but to delineate that same chart is a highly complex matter. Your success at delineation will depend wholly on how well you grasp the material presented in these chapters concerning interpretation. You should continue to rehash and expand your knowledge of the influence of each Sign, House and Planet. If it is possible it would be wise for you to set apart a certain amount of time daily to just sit and relax and meditate on what you have already learned. You are becoming part of a very select few who are in touch with and can appreciate the laws of our universe. You must prepare yourself to accept a more liberal view of our life than those who are bound by their own lack of knowledge. The questions why? and what for? must become part of your very intellect. None except those with a well-developed and open sense of reason, a clear mind, and a good memory can effectively pursue the study of astrology. Picture yourself as part of the universe. You are part of that whole, you are an integral part. You have chosen to be among those who can explain and accept this whole. You are becoming one with the universe and I guarantee you'll be amazed and gratified at the peace of mind you will find for yourself and all you come in contact with. We will now continue to study the influence of each planet as it passes through each sign. You must remember that the effect each planet exerts can be modified, enhanced or negated according to the aspects it forms with the other planets. The significance of the house occupied by the planet must also be considered. What you are studying here are the basic principles behind each planet in each sign. Good or bad aspects and the House position will determine if these principles are of a harmonious or inharmonious nature.
Jupiter In The Signs
Jupiter is the natural ruler of the sign Sagittarius and it is exalted in the sign Cancer. It is in its detriment when in Gemini and in its fall when in Capricorn.
Jupiter in Aries
Jupiter is well placed here and there is a natural stress on the element of impulse and the rebellion against restriction. The position helps to create natural cheerfulness and optimism. The native is, to some extent, a pioneer or innovator, not very conservative by nature, who is generally fortunate and well-respected. He should be cautioned about his impulsive and impetuous nature for it may cause him harm.

Jupiter in Taurus
The native has a peaceful, dignified and reserved nature. There is an indication of sorrow through relatives yet this is modified by the gain through friends connected with the family circle. It is a favorable position for matters concerning business collegues or employees and others who carry out any work or duty for the native. Although his nature is basically peaceful there are times when the native can become overly involved in rebellion against some of the more orthodox conventions of life.

Jupiter in Gemini
Jupiter is detrimented in Gemini and the native must be prepared to deal with his restless and changeable nature. Although he is the possessor of a high degree of adaptability his inability to form definite objectives hinders any progress that may be possible. There is a definite tendency toward the intellectual side of religion, mysticism or an eclectic religion but his uncertainty and changeability will continually harasses his progress.
Jupiter in Cancer
Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and its radiation for the native is accordingly favorable. The native is good-humored, charitable and benevolent in nature. The emotional side of the native, the imagination and intuition are strengthened and may manifest themselves in some form of art. He is very fond of the home life and usually has strong emotional ties with his mother. He may change his religion or hold it loosely and yet be thoroughly sincere and devout. There is some indication of death at a distance from home.
Jupiter in Leo
This is very fine position as the native is sincere, generous, magnanimous yet he is somewhat ambitious and fond of power, dignity, pomp and display. There is a dramatic flare in him and he is naturally attracted to grandeur and ceremony. He possesses an ardent love nature and is desirous of quick and spontaneous responses. Because of this he should be cautioned to use discretion in the forming of associations and ties of an affectionate character.
Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter is detrimented in Virgo and hence it is not a favorable position. There is an attraction to strange characters and the off-beat areas of life and he will have to act prudently if he is to avoid hurt in these areas. The native here is sometimes lacking in method and, at times, he is even absent-minded. He is very discriminatory in his choice of friends and sometimes he can hurt people very deeply without realizing it. He has a tendency to be over-critical of his friends and he may lose some good friends this way.
Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter is well-placed in Libra as the optimism of the native is drawn out constructively. It is generally a good influence for partnership and marriage, making the former profitable and bringing much happiness in the latter. The native has a strong desire for companionship, even though he can maintain an independent attitude if a need for such should arise. The native will tend to be a very sincere and religious person. He enjoys his periods of pleasure and relaxation yet he is more than willing to alternate them with periods of work in order to avoid either boredom or changeability.


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