Sun In The Signs-1

Sun In The Signs-1


Whereas the Moon's influence determines the outer side of our nature the influence exerted by the Sun defines the inner side of that nature. The Sun, rules the sign Leo, is exalted in Aries, has its fall in Libra, and is decremented in the sign Aquarius. The Sun confers on the character the natures of power, authority, dignity, will, resolution, and self-reliance. It is the source of all vital energy. In the body it corresponds to the heart and its associated blood vessels.

Sun In Aries

This is the Sun's position of exaltation, so the influence is basically harmonious. This position contributes to health, vitality, and length of life. It helps to stimulate and vitalize the native's out look upon life and enhances the capacity for activity and leadership. The native will acquire some position of authority or responsibility, no matter whether he moves in a humble sphere, or in a more public one. He is basically magnanimous and because of this any anger he experiences will soon, pass away. He should be warned that there is a direct tendency for him to be quick-tempered although it usually passes quickly. Instruct him not to hold grudges and to strive for a reasonable balance for any feelings of bitterness or revenge.

Sun In Taurus

When the Sun is posited in this sign conditions are favorable for the acquisition of money and property in general. The native is warm-hearted and amorous, but there is some slight liability to be raided in affections or to bestow them too readily or to be drawn into a liaison. He is firm, patient, obstinate and is very set upon achieving his end. He pursues his objective with a tremendous amount of determination, so great that it sometimes may lead him into dealings of a criminal nature. He must be forewarned of this possibility. Tell him that he can achieve a very good equilibrium by curbing any undue tendency towards obstinacy on one hand or giving way to impulse on the other.

Sun In Gemini

The Sun posited in the sign Gemini strengthens the intellectual side of the nature and attracts the native toward the pursuit of literature, science, or art, and to following some occupation connected with these. The mind becomes versatile and fond of change but positive and strong under this influence. This position confers a considerable amount of ingenuity of thought and action on the native. You should instruct the native that good planning and good organization can effectively curb the natural restlessness of this position. Educational and intellectual pursuits will appeal to the native and considerable knowledge can be acquired through both study and observations. When this potential is constructively used then progress in many varied directions will be possible.


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