Mercury In The Signs-2

Mercury In The Signs-2
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Mercury In Libra
Mercury is generally well-placed when in Libra depending of course on the aspects involved. It supplies the native with a gentle, refined mentality and a consciousness that is imbued with a natural taste for beauty. The native is endowed with an ability to study the arts more particularly painting, portraiture and color. The advice you should present to your client here is to strive to maintain a steadfastness, depth, and firmness of mind. This will enable him to form an opinion and then to stay with it avoiding the fickleness of a changing mind.
Mercury In Scorpio
This position yields a native deeply concerned with detail, extremely careful of his health sometimes in a very nervous manner. He has a shrewd, keen, and critical mind, very suspicious and mistrustful. He is very fond of the occult and mystical subjects ever intent on gaining knowledge and mental power which can be acquired only when the senses have been purified.
Mercury In Sagittarius
The native of this position is very fond of travel and quite efficient in communicating that which he has seen and thought. He seeks to express his thoughts with decisiveness and impetuosity. This blatant nature may pierce his friends yet he will not realize this and continue along as if no one was hurt. Tell him to be very judicious with his opinions always pondering their effect on others. This impatience of speech may also lead to the unnecessary irritating habit of interrupting people. He should always consider other people's opinions. Mercury is detrimented in this sign and the negative tendencies are stronger.
Mercury In Capricorn
This combination defines the native who is ambitious and practical, always organizing with a great sense of detail. He is tactful, and suspicious with a highly critical mind, inclined to wallow constantly in discontent although continually meticulous and careful. If the native can keep his mind busy and moving he will tend to have a very patient nature.
Mercury In Aquarius
This is an excellent position for the study of history, politics and governmental matters, and all that is closely linked with politics. From the psychic viewpoint subjects concerning various forms of metaphysical phenomena, levitation and telepathy will prove very interesting. This is an exceptionally good position for the study of all sciences. The native has a refined and intuitive mind, faithful and persistent. He has a penetrative and observant nature acutely keen in his assessment of human character. He has a natural love of metaphysics and the humanitarian principles with considerable powers of concentration and abstract thought. This combination ignites thoughts concerning the maintenance of physical health such as gymnastics and Yoga.
Mercury In Pisces
This locality provides the native a mentality that is reflective, creative and intuitive. He has an excellent understanding of all that is mysterious and strange and has much interest in institutional work. Sometimes he will tend to become so emotionally involved with the problems of the world that he will experience severe depression over the sorrows of the world. All matters which concern marine life whether it be deep sea, river or aquarium, or concerning the fish trade could be studied with great advantage. There is, however, little depth of thought, with the mind being more intuitive than actively intellectual. Mercury is in its detriment here and this must be considered dangerous.


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