The Elements

The Elements


In order for you to design a complete delineation of the influence of each sign and planet it is compulsory to possess a grasp of the nature of each element. The elements are known as the triplicities and you must be able to combine the influence exerted by these with that of the Quaternaries to do your client justice. Comprehension of the significance of the elements is of considerable value when delineating a chart. According to the dominating element so you find the dominating characteristics of the person. All great Greek philosophers employed this basis when they constructed their thesis that the complete man consisted of the interweaving of the four categories into which every human activity can be placed.



From Contemplation of

Result of Element

1. Physical

Body: functions & needs


2. Intellectual

Mind: concepts & thought process


3. Aesthetic

Soul: yearnings, emotional processes


4. Moral

Spirit: aspirations, conduct & character



The qualities and elements contained in the signs which posit the Sun, Moon and the planets are gradually developed by every stimulation that reaches the native through these points of receptivity. Every planet and all the angles combine with each other planet as they pass through a chart, resulting in an accent. In other words there are a dozen points of receptivity that are daily stimulated by an accent from each planers electromagnetic radiation. All twelve signs of the zodiac are distributed among the four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The combinations are known as triplicities.


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