Planets In The Signs

Planets In The Signs

Astrology is becoming an integral core of your very existence and we want you to become extremely competent in your field. We are very carefully building a sound basis for your capabilities of delineation. You must understand that it takes a lot of hard work and a great deal of patience for you to achieve your competency. Search for others with a common interest in the field and discuss and compare your opinions and knowledge. It is crucial that you realize the meaning of our school to you. We are cultivating your basic knowledge and constructing the foundation on which you will establish your reputation as an astrologer. However, we cannot overemphasize the importance of your own personal efforts. Your inquiring mind will be your most valuable asset as your development continues. You will want to become your own astrologer just as you are your own man. The amount of literature and opinion in the astrological world is overwhelming and all of it cannot be valid. With the knowledge you are gaining through our course you will be equipped to differentiate between the good and bad material. Together, with your continual personal efforts and our proven instructional methods, we will build your confidence, with our sights set on nothing but excellence.

The 9th lesson concerns the meaning of each planet as they occupy each sign. This knowledge is decisive if you are to render an accurate delineation. The influence which a planet exerts while in a zodiacal sign is dissimilar from the influence that the same planet exerts when posited in a zodiacal house of the horoscope. The difference is basic and of tremendous significance. When a planet resides in a given sign then that sign and its peculiarities dominate the planet, yet when a planet is posited in a given house the planet exerts rule over the principals which that house represents. It seems logical that a point so basic would be accepted by all in the astrological field, however this is unfortunately not true. We are very vehement on this point and have high regard for its acceptance as it has an astounding effect on a delineation. The vast amount of records kept through the years support the credibility of this theory.

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