Sun In The Signs-4

Sun In The Signs-4


Sun In Capricorn

The native of this Sun location is ambitious and aspiring, and desirous of power and fame and is well suited for leading, commanding and directing others, whether for good or evil. He often turns out to be a prominent figure in his sphere of life, or he may rise in the world and become a celebrity. Sooner or later he will occupy some position of responsibility where he has to guide others. Tell him that he must cultivate a sense of balance between his inner ambitions and his driving desire to acquire material possessions. Also advise him that it will never be easy for him to express his inner emotions as readily as he wishes. This is simply part of his nature.

Sun In Aquarius

This Sun position shows that the native possesses a certain amount of basic intuition, independence and a creative versatility that can be both a gift and a responsibility depending on how it is used. He is patient and persevering, skillful, humane, intelligent, and may rise considerably in life above the sphere of his birth, mainly by his own efforts. The native should understand that his capacity to think will be his greatest asset as it will enable him to discriminate both as to what is wisdom and what is knowledge and exactly how to use the faculties of each which he has. Tell him that there is natural internal conflict between the desire to achieve certain ends and the desire to make certain changes especially where personal relationships are involved. He should strive to achieve a sense of balance.

Sun In Pisces

This position confers a restless, changeable disposition on the native often too retiring and not sufficiently self-reliant. The native is either quiet and unambitious or if he does acquire great things and positions of influence, he will either not gain by them or he will not retain them. There is a lack of self-initiative and he is greatly influenced by persons and circumstances instead of moulding them to his will. There is a great need for this native to maintain a reasonable balance of thought and emotion. When personal matters are going astray it is necessary to let his sense of humor aid in easing the pain. This humor will help him in handling the everyday problems caused by the people and affairs he is associated with.


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