The Influence Of The Elements - Cross Of Reason

The Influence Of The Elements - Cross Of Reason


The third group, the square of thought or of causation, is known as the Cross of Reason. The keynote of this square is demonstrated by Gemini, which manifests the mind deciphering the circumstances surrounding certain situations. The Third House reveals the general circumstances into which the child is born concerning his family or relatives. It also indicates the possibilities for travel and study available to him. The more active the child is the more he realizes that he can modify his environment by his actions. The Mutable Cross affords the native this talent for adaptability. If the native is truly adaptable he learns how to deal with his relatives and neighbors and he begins to comprehend what he can accomplish by means of action or conversation.


The Mutable Quaternary comprises those signs which in a natural chart lie in the cadent houses. They are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, the Signs of Adaptability, thought and intercommunication of ideas. Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Neptune rules Pisces. Gemini with it's distinct powers of observation, its ability to synthesize facts, and its desire for change and movement is the motivating force behind this cross. Mercury's rays exert an influence on Virgo determining the expression of the ideas of the mind. They also influence Sagittarius to consider legislation and religion. The same rays effect Pisces' consideration of the whole gamut of cause and effect. Since the mutable signs have less desire than the other signs, they are generally more able to adapt themselves to other people.


A study of a person's horoscope indicating a preponderance of planets in the mutable signs tells us that this person has had to make many adjustments to project his acceptability in the business and social realm. He has a distinct fancy for change and travel, and listening to what other people have to say. Under the strict Gemini influence the native dislikes contracting sickness and making any kind of contact with sick people. It is very distressing for him to be around sickness until the Gemini influence is polarized with the Sagittarian mind, which reaches out to cause and effect. After this, Gemini can consider trouble and sickness as a necessity causing ultimate justice, and not just as a factor of fate punishing the just and the unjust for unexplained reasons.


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